Chapter 4-1

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Chapter 4: The Penglai Emperor’s Resurrection
Part 1

Night had fallen for the ninth time since Kasumi was cursed.

If her curse did not get dispelled by four o’clock the following afternoon, she would die for the third time.

After their final meeting of the day, Kasumi and Jun slipped away from their noisy gathering and walked around the empty town square. Past dusk, magic lamps illuminated the square. Even the areas usually littered with stalls during daytime had returned to a dull silence.

“We must end this curse. So, please don’t do anything rash.”

Tomorrow at noon, Jun, along with eighty fellow fighters, would confront the Illusionary Brigade.

They had done everything they could. According to intelligence reports, the Illusionary Brigade was not at its strongest due to the supply embargo. The odds were in Jun’s favor.

However, his plan could not have been said to be bulletproof.

Jun never wanted to get Kasumi involved in fights.

If she had, by some coincidence, been dragged into a battle… He couldn’t have her dying from such an accident. After getting a Phoenix Blood, he would teleport her over. That would have been best.

Kasumi objected stubbornly. Everybody had been fighting for her sake. She couldn’t just sit tight, locked away for her own safety. She insisted on it.

Kasumi Yukasaki was the type who wouldn’t listen to anything once they had made up their mind. In the end, Jun gave in.

“Trust me. Please wait on the far end of the battlefield. If you do that, I will be able to fight knowing that you are safe.” Kasumi stopped walking and turned towards Jun. Her red qipao, a traditional Chinese dress, creased, revealing her slender thighs. She hastily pulled her dress back. “He-hey, how embarrassing… did Eri-chan do that?”

Eri had picked up the qipao somewhere. Finding it not very useful for herself, she forced the distraught Kasumi to wear it against her will, “This’ll give you some sex appeal!”

“Don’t lose yourself over this!”

“Ah, no. That won’t happen… I think.” Jun responded hesitantly, averting eye contact. His nervousness was written clearly on his face.

Actually, she knew that Eri was in the right. She had only been trying to cheer Kasumi up.

“Is that… so?” Blushing, Jun gulped down a breath and looked at Kasumi. His throat felt dry from the anxiety. “Am I… bothering you?”

“There is no way that you could be bothering me. Uh, no need to be so shy. It’s really nice to be able to rely on your friends.”

“But… I’m doing nothing but relying on you, Jun-san. You always help me. This time, you’ve even taken on such big debts, all for my sake…”

“Please stop thinking of me as a saint. I’m far from it. I’m just doing as I wish. Starting now, I’m going to blatantly say awful things about you.”

“Y-yes!” Startled, Kasumi stood up straight.

“I’m excited.”

“…huh?” Kasumi tilted her head not knowing what he had in store.


Jun grinned widely.

“And this is your life we’re talking about here. I’d gladly rush to help work on difficult quests. The harder the quest, the more interesting it is. It’s well worth the challenge. The tougher the objective, the more worked up I get. I, Junichiro Mikimori, am just that kind of person. Getting so dumbfounded over quests and throwing myself face-first into them… I’m hopeless. So, you should not feel like you owe anything to me at all. People think about using fools like me for their own benefit.”

Kasumi smiled.

Jun hadn’t seen Kasumi smile from the bottom of her heart like that in a long time.

“You’re really having fun here in this world, right?”

“Yep. It’s a blast! This world is the best! I can’t help but get excited!”

“… I think that’s fine. That’s just what I’d expect from Jun-san. But…” The next instant, Jun grabbed and hugged Kasumi. “H-h-h-he-hey!”

She felt her large breasts get squashed by Jun’s chest. Her heartbeat grew fainter, almost as if her heart had become tired. Her cheeks flushed. Her head felt like it was boiling. All the words she had been about to utter flew away…

“If that’s how it is, then even if I thank you, everything’s going the way you want… yeah?” Her mischievous voice echoed in Jun’s ear. “I’ll put my faith in you and do as you say.”

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5 thoughts on “Chapter 4-1

  1. Pingback: Most Recent Releases (Updated 05/04816) | NanoDesu Light Novel Translations

  2. Comments are disabled for the current chapter so I’ll leave that here.
    First of all, thanks for the translation. It’s quite good, even if the chapters are agonizingly short.
    As for the current storyline, I think it falls short compared to Volume 1. Mostly because the Illusionary Brigade is putting up with quite the hassle for little to no reason. Sure, those bloods might be valuable, but if they just forked over one or two they could get resupplied again and start farming them again much easier…
    They could even set a price for them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good job mate, you’ve just put to words what I’ve been kinda feeling since chapter three or something. But don’t lose hope – I sense some action that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Let’s just say it wouldn’t be too thrilling if they were haggling over the price of some phoenix blood the whole chapter, would it now?


      • Well, I thought the embargo part was quite well-written, but considering to actually fight over it seems strange. Even if they won, they’d probably lose a few people which would set them back further then simply selling one or two bloods.

        Liked by 1 person

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