a notice concerning terminology and past edits

so… I have been a horrible human being and forgetting to upload updated versions of /every part/

This means that the PDF differs from this website’s content.

It’s mostly small changes, but there were some terminology normalizations / changes.

Those updates will come up in the next few weeks (hopefully sooner than later).

also, as of the new part that I will be posting in the next hour or so, “communication stones” will be referred to as “linkstones” (let’s see who can catch this reference)

(also, sorry for being slow these past few months. I’ll try to pick up my pace soon?)

Again, thanks for reading o/

((I’ll also take time in this post to apologize for my random mistakes while posting, such as missing links, unclosed <div> tags, etc))

Chapter 3 Part 4 has been posted 🙂

–EDIT 2–
How ironic, I managed to break the div tags by posting this because I was typing in the HTML editor haha

This entry was posted by Aulis.

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